Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is Creativity?

In relation to this week’s class discussion regarding “the ability to tell something in a different way or to tell something new”, I thought it would be only proper for me to post something about creativity and what exactly is creativity. What is it that differentiates a creative person to the rest of us? Are successful creative people naturally born with the gift of creativity or is their creative success developed through hard work and learned through observations?

Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being...creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life." — Rollo May, The Courage to Create

Creativity is being able to execute an idea and bringing whatever dreams and imagination into life. Ideas that are not executed or created remains only as a thought or an underdeveloped idea. Creativity is also very subjective and how do we actually determine whether something is creative? Van Gogh was only considered as a great artist after his death and it is only then his works were considered to be artistic and creative whereas when he was alive, he barely sold any of his paintings. To me, I think creativity can be defined as the process of executing an idea by making it a reality but it also has to appeal to the public. I think society plays a crucial part in determining what is creative and what is not. This can be clearly seen during Van Gogh’s time as an artist when the public was not ready to accept his ideas and it is only after his death that his ideas were able to reach out to the society. Hence, I think it is fair to say that creativity not necessarily means being able to think out of the box, but the idea that we think of has to have the marketability. The idea has to be able to interest and audience. All this is just my opinion, although I may be wrong.

I think creative success comes hand in hand with hard work and also talent. I believe that one need not have to be a natural born artist to be able to succeed, but rather I think that a person who has the capability and talent along with hard work can make it too. I personally would like to believe that each and everyone of us are born with the capability of being creative but it is through hard work that one is able to become successful as quoted by Thomas Alva Edison, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 perspiration” This is only my opinion anyhow. I guess that much is all from me this week.

Here is something I would like to share.... my favourite mcdonald moment!!! I think this is creativity don't you think? ;)

Info Source: http://www.creativityatwork.com/articlesContent/whatis.htm

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