Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random word and Image association

This week lesson is about the association between a random word to an image. Or rather how a random word could be associated with an image to form a creative solution. I must say that this is probably one of the most effective ways to come up with creative ideas but at the same time, an individual may find himself or herself being faced with two entirely ridiculously contradicting objects. This may prove to be a challenge indeed, to link a non-related word to an image to think up of the best possible solution.

I found this link on the web and it explains rather clearly on how we are able to generate new ideas from this random word and image association.

It is pretty much similar to juxtaposition but this time we 'leave' the random word behind. Compared to juxtaposition, there is a clear definition between the random word with the object in juxtaposition, however in random word and image association, we do not define the random word clearly. Rather we explore the meaning of the random word into new words to be associated with the image.
Confused? =P Well, I'm not sure if what I explained here reaches out to you there, but do visit the link I posted here. it definitely helps much better in the understanding and the process of  random word with image association.

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