Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our final Product!


Well this is the final product that we came up with. Its a video consisting of a series of posters that makes up the movement of the plane flying towards creativity.

To explain our concept in brief, our concept phrase is
Creative Multimedia in Advertising, the media for conveying messages.

 The plane acts as the symbol for message and we have the plane moving to represent the act of conveying the message. 

Riding on top of the plane are objects which represents the current age of technology as well as representing Creative Multimedia. The variety of objects on the plane symbolizes the diversity of media making up multi- media and at the same time symbolizing creativity as well because the diversity of these objects/tools has created a bigger platform for creativity to strive in.

Lastly, we have the tail banner of the plane bearing all the logos. This symbolizes the importance of advertising in creative multimedia in conveying a message. As the plane flies, the tail will follow, showing that creative multimedia and advertising comes hand-in-hand and is important in conveying a message.

The plane then flies off to the creative world represented by the bulb.

Here are the individual images of the posters.











Our final concept design

Here is what we finally came up with! Our final design concept.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Design Concept

This week, we moved on to our design concept based on the random word images that we have come up with last week. So here are the concept designs.

Concept phrase: 
Creative Multimedia in Advertising, the media for conveying messages.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Random word image association

Here is a developent from our essay.

Concept phrase: Creative Multimedia in Advertising, the media for conveying messages.
Random word: wings

Here are the sketches we came up with.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Advertising in Creative Multimedia

In this current era, computers, electronics and telecommunications have been merged to fulfill the global needs. The masses are aware or maybe not that whatever that being consume or access in our daily routine are all related too Creative Multimedia. Creative Multimedia can be separated to explain which “Multimedia” can be define as many medias being compressed into one category, while “Creative” is obviously something that related to art or design, entertainment or maybe education. Creative Multimedia is branched out to technology, media, creative and interaction or communication, as well as advertising.

The very essence of creative multimedia itself is to bring creativity into a whole new level by introducing various media and platforms for creativity to continue to strive. Creativity in creative multimedia means being able to create as well as being able to innovate. Innovation and creation are the two fundamentals of creativity. In the context of innovation, creative multimedia has the ability to innovate or in other words improvise on existing styles and ideas and enhancing them to become better or even bring out new inventions out of it. Apart from that, creative multimedia allows more room for innovation in the sense that there are now more platforms or media for creativity to be expressed. For instance, creativity can be expressed digitally through digital work or traditionally through traditional artwork. These artworks can be in the form of an interactive web, application or even packaging that is innovative and creative.

Creative multimedia has created the opportunity to explore creative arts in a very vast way and this opportunity is fully utilized in creative advertising. In advertising, it can be separate to idea, product, media, interaction and communication. Advertising is used in expressing and interacting with the audience. The producers use their creativity in attracting and pursuing the consumer to buy their product with the used of different kind of media. The interactivity content forms to convey or expressing information and messages of creative products. Creative multimedia in advertising is also all about creative ideas. The various media used in creative multimedia allow room for more new and fresh original content of ideas. Multimedia enables ideas to be presented uniquely and different from the rest. With the creative ideas, and unique presentation, this helps a lot for the producer to advertise their product. These shows that, 

Creative Multimedia and advertising is very close related.
Advertising is one of the many creative fields that actively incorporates and utilize creative multimedia to its fullest. Advertising is the form of media to communicate a message to its audience. The world of advertising is highly competitive with many large corporation and industry trying all at once to influence and deliver their message to the people. Thus, how the message is delivered is of utmost priority as the way the message is delivered has to attract the public’s attention. This is where creative multimedia comes into play. Creative multimedia provides many outlets for the advertising industry to convey its message for instance, through attractively illustrated posters, billboards, banners and the most effective of the lot, commercials or advertisements. Although messages can be conveyed in many different forms now, the most important thing in advertising still remains in the whole concept or idea of the message that one would like to deliver. The concept of the message has to be unique, original, fresh, economical and different from all the rest to stand out from the crowd and this is essential in a successful and winning advertisement.

Advertising is also an effective media for conveying message. Each of the advertisement comes with a meaningful message. Producer use it to communicate with the customer to deliver their product message and usage. Some advertisement which is creative and unique is able to grab the audience’s attention. Usually an advertisement’s message is easy to understand, simple, effective, persuasive and gives a lasting impact. Advertisement is usually shown on broadcasting media such as television and radio. It is also shown on printed media, for instance poster, newspaper and magazine. Nowadays, people choose to rely on finding information through internet. Thus, online advertising has been invented. We can see them on internet, like social networking sites. There are different form of advertisements, such as banner advertisement, classified advertisement, and Google advertisement. Producer can also choose to promote their advertisement by using email or also known as spam mails.
In my own point of view, as what has been mentioned above about Creative Multimedia has broadened the advertising . However, advertisements have its advantages and also disadvantages. Advertising can be misleading and they do not always tell the truth. Plus, advertising is the means for corporate companies to gain profits from the public rather than delivering the right message and care about the publics’ welfare. On the other hand, Creative Multimedia has helped the advertising industry to bring the creativity to another level compared to the traditional advertisements.
In conclusion, Creative Multimedia defines what art is all about in this century. This is because Creative Multimedia has widened people’s perception and knowledge regarding what art is all about. Advertising is vital in the commercialized world that we live in right now. This especially so since advertising plays an important part in communicating a message, selling a product, conveying new ideas and utilizing different forms of media. Thus, Creative Multimedia plays an important role in our lives.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Assignment 2

This week marks the beginning of our new assignment. So here is my group's mind map of our given topic, Creative Multimedia. =)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random word (class exercise)

As you already know, this week is all about random word and image association. The class was interesting yet again especially when our lecturer explained to us the various ways of associating random words to a situation. For example being naked and the object dustbin, and a cigarette with the object traffic light.

As for our class exercise, we are required to design a signboard that is scary with the object given being a kitten.

Characteristics of kitten: claws, playful, cute, curious
I choose the word claws to be the random word.
Association: Association of the word claws with pain and scars and blood as well

In practice this means that whoever who trespasses or goes beyond the signboard, will suffer severe pain and scars.

I know my image (the claw and the scratches) don't look to scary....but I do hope that the idea of being scratched to death alive scares you. haha =)

Random word and Image association

This week lesson is about the association between a random word to an image. Or rather how a random word could be associated with an image to form a creative solution. I must say that this is probably one of the most effective ways to come up with creative ideas but at the same time, an individual may find himself or herself being faced with two entirely ridiculously contradicting objects. This may prove to be a challenge indeed, to link a non-related word to an image to think up of the best possible solution.

I found this link on the web and it explains rather clearly on how we are able to generate new ideas from this random word and image association.

It is pretty much similar to juxtaposition but this time we 'leave' the random word behind. Compared to juxtaposition, there is a clear definition between the random word with the object in juxtaposition, however in random word and image association, we do not define the random word clearly. Rather we explore the meaning of the random word into new words to be associated with the image.
Confused? =P Well, I'm not sure if what I explained here reaches out to you there, but do visit the link I posted here. it definitely helps much better in the understanding and the process of  random word with image association.

Monday, July 26, 2010

More poems...( don't worry, not dirty love poems) haha!

Well, one of our task this week is to write poems. One is the chilli and love poem, my second one is Life & candle poem, and lastly a compulsory poem linking the words Man & mortar/pestle.

So here goes my first one, the one I did in class.

Love is like eating chilli.
It hurts when its too spicy,
amazing when its just right.
All the more, chilli just leave you wanting for more
of the excitement it brings.


Life is like an illuminating candle,
The fire in a candle flickers beautifully,
Just like how fickle our lives are, how short beutiful moments are.
Life is like an illuminating candle.
The single light from the candle fights against the darkness,
Although dim, still light makes it through the darkness.
Just like how in life we struggle constantly against 'darkness'
We fight slowly but surely.
Until the candle is blown out,
Until we give up.


Men, brash and loud,
Just like the hammering brashness of the mortar and pestle.
Men, strong and solid,
Just like the tough and solid mortar and pestle.
Tough Men, impulsive and stupid,
Just like a mortar and pestle who knows only one function: to hammer things to pulp,
without knowing restraint.

Well thats all from me. I am no Shakespeare, so please forgive me for my lousy attempt at writing poems.=)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dirty Love Poems... ;)

Haha! Did my title post catch your eye? Well that was what we kind of did in class this week.  Mr.Radzi once again had us exploring our creative juices with fun activities again. Firstly, we were to pick 3 sets of numbers in random. Then from the numbers, we match them up with our respective words. For example, I  chose 10, so number one is represented by the word 'flower' and 0 is represented by the word 'head'.

Next, we were to form sentences out of these two random words. I think I had pretty good words matched up to form decent sentences. After that, we had to illustrate our sentence. Not too tough. was illustrating the two words so that it becomes one. The illustration must represent clearly the two words matched up. Not as easy, but I managed.

Then came the MOST awkward and weird and exciting session. Writing a poem connecting these two words...LOVE and CHILLI.

It doesn't take a genius to know where this will head to...alot of dirty love poems! haha! It was pretty hard for me to write can you write a poem about love and chilli and make it sound innocent??haha!! Maybe its just me. haha!! Then Mr.Radzi had some students read out their poems. Some where good...most of them just plain funny I would say...and there's one guy with the absolutely MOST dirty poem in the class....haha! I won't post it here though. Here is the scanned copy of the activity we did in class.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More juxtapositions...

Hello again! Here I would like to share more examples of juxtaposition.

Juxtaposition of the tower that sits perfectly in the middle of two buildings.

Another that's why the chicken crossed the road..hahaha!!
Found this picture here:

Do you see the humor behind this? Earring and Ear-ring..A pretty neat juxtaposition I would say.

An example of a terrible juxtaposition..Note the main heading and the picture..
I think that is a pretty interesting blog to look at. Plenty of funny stuffs. =)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


This week is all about juxtaposition and how it can be used to convey a message. Often enough, juxtaposition is used to convey a message through the means of comparision between two things. These two things may vary in terms of their physical attributes or the meaning they hold. 

There are two types of juxtaposition; juxtaposition(literary) and random juxtaposition. Juxtaposition(literary) gives a more clearer message through two very contrasting subjects and is easy to understand. This type of juxtaposition can be seen in films and tv series where the exploration of the characters in the show are displayed through comparision between two different type of personalities. You can have the peace loving guy panned in together with the violent type guy and juxtaposition is created to show or convey certain messages.

Random juxtaposition on the other hand, involves two objects moving in parallel and is often used to stimulate ideas and creativity. I think this type of juxtaposition is open to many types of message and interpretations. Here is an example that I would like to share.-->

It involves two random objects that are somehow parallel to one another. This picture here is of the atomic bomb and a tree. From this image alone we can explore diffrerent interpretations such as peace vs war,  tranquility vs chaos, calamity vs serenity, life vs death and many more.

Juxtaposition is an interesting way to represent hidden meanings and I am glad we had the opportunity to explore it this week. =)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My creative assosiative mind map

Here is the mind map I did in class when Mr. Radzi asked us to do a mindmap of the mortar and pestle.
I'm sorry if the image is not too clear. Will upload a clearer one when I fixed my scanner.

I'll just retype here what I wrote on my mind map.

POWER- In the year 20010, the mortar and pestle is a symbol of power where all ruler must wear it. The mortar as the crown and the pestle as the royal stick.

HEADACHE- In the year 20010, mortar and pestle will be used to cure headache by rolling the pestle around the head. (mortar used to contain ointment)

FOOD- In the year 20010, the mortar and pestle will be used to hunt animals by throwing the pestle to hit the target and capturing the animal with the mortar

EXERCISE- In the year 20010, the mortar and pestle will be used as an exercise equipment by tying the mortar to the back and using the pestle as a dumbbell.
MONEY- In the year 20010, the mortar and pestle will be seen as monetary value where the size of pestle will determine how much credit you have. Payment is made by chipping away somebody's pestle with the mortar.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mind Maps...

Lesson 5: Associative Mind Maps

This week has been a really fun and entertaining class! Thanks to Mr. Radzi for the activity and fun-filled class! What we learned this week is about Associative Mind Map and how it is different from the Logical Mind Map that most of us are familiar with.

The difference between the both of them is that Logical Mind Maps list down all related issues/problems/ideas that are linked directly to the main problem. Each and every keyword are interrelated and is more suited to be used to reach a consensus or to solve a problem.

Associated Mind Maps on the other hand lists down keywords that have little to do in common with one another. Here we are able to practise diverge thinking and try to think of creative ways to link 2 words that seemingly have nothing in common with one another. For example, last week I posted a simple exercise to relate the word needle and karma. That is a part of the creative process of associative mind mapping. Associative mind mapping allows for more exploration of various possibilities and enables us to think out-of-the-box.

The associative thinking was demonstrated by Mr. Radzi who easily relates various random words to the mortar and pestle. For example, he related the mortar and pestle to the word Fashion. It was pretty interesting to see how he related the mortar being worn as a hat and the pestle as an earring!! With a little exploration of words we are able to generate various ideas and this is the main purpose of associative mind maps. So lets start being creative by doing more associative mind maps from now on! Till next time! =)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Creative Mind Map

Here is a simple mind map about me for lesson 3.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Converging and Diverging...

Lesson 3 was about convergent and divergent thinking.

Convergent thinking can be illustrated with the example of making decisions based on a single target or main goal. For instance, making a decision on which road to take to get to Genting Highlands.

Divergent thinking on the other hand is about exploring various possibilities without any limitations or constrictions. For example, a journey of soul searching where an individual wanders to various places without a specific destination.

This week we also discussed particularly about linking two totally unrelated items to one another. For example, lets say a needle and karma. Totally two different thing altogether is it not? Some people may say that its impossible to relate both of these items together, but with a little divergent thinking, you actually can.

Here is how i will relate a needle to karma. Needle --> sharp-->pain-->jealousy-->ill will-->betrayal-->crime-->punishment-->karma. This is just my opinion anyway. Perhaps there are also other better ways to link these two together.

Here is another example of divergent thinking. Linking butterflies to a ship! Could you have thought of that as well?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Creative People.

Our task given to us for lesson 2 is to find a public figure who is innovative and creative. For me, I choose the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong for this task.

It is undeniable that Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is one of the most extraordinaire and creative entrepernuers in Malaysia. Who would ever have thought that building a hotel in the middle of the forest would be appealing as a recreation area and a potential business investment? Thus,came Genting and Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong proved to be not only a creative genius in a sense but also a very hard worker. Prior to his success with Genting came along a lot of hard work such as research study of the Genting topology. He also endured all the scepticism of others and eventhough many people did not believe in his vision, he proved them all wrong.

Genting...the place every kid loves...<3

I think that Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is one of the best examples of people who proved that they are not only creative and innovative, but also proved how perseverance plays an important role in achieving success.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation & Invention...

We learned pretty much alot of things this week on creativity and innovation as well as novelty.
Normally people usually perceive creativity as something that is unusual and unique. That much is true, but it also has to appeal to the public in order for it to be trully called a creative work. An idea or a product is only creative if it is generally accepted by the public and society or in a way holds something of value for the society.

Innovation on the other hand is introducing something new. To me, innovation is more of upgrading, or perhaps to selectively change or improve parts of something in order for the object to be fully appreciated as a whole and to improve the lifestyle of the people.

Novelty is something more unheard of or less known. In fact, I too was only aware of this term and the meaning of it from this week's lecture. Novelty is an idea or something that is produced that is able to change or create changes in culture. For example, tha paper clip. Although most of us might not consider it to be a creative product now, the paper clip IS a novelty as it had create changes to culture.

The lecture was pretty interesting this week, and I hope next week would be as interesting as well! =)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 2 creative image!

Our assignment for week 2 is to capture a creative image of our friend. So here is a picture that I have taken of my friend Hon Jia Hui.

It kind of looks like she's jumping down the stairs, but I assure you she did not nor did she break any bones in the process of the making of this. hahaha =P

So here is my creative photograph! Until next week! bye!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Blood, sweat and tears = creativity" - by Mr Mustafa

Hello again! This week, Mr. Mustafa explained more in depth to us about creativity and how creativity is all about effort and hard work. So,for this week, I would like to share a few paintings created by great artists from the 20th century. These paintings that I would like to share are all based on the main theme of optical illusion and it is interesting to look and observe the hidden meaning/objects in these paintings. These artists must have spent a great deal of effort and research to come up with these paintings. Here I have some paintings from the great surrealist artist, Salvador Dali and also paintings from Mexican artist, Octavio Ocampo. Can you spot all the hidden elements in the painting?

First up is ‘Swans reflecting Elephants’ by Salvador Dali

Title is self-explanatory. You can see the reflection of the swans forming the elephants

Octavio Ocampa: Metamorphosis Art Woman and Horses

The horses and the birds form the image of a woman

Octavio Ocampa: The General's Family

This painting contains all the hidden family members of the general's family. Can you find them all? There is 9 all together.