Monday, July 26, 2010

More poems...( don't worry, not dirty love poems) haha!

Well, one of our task this week is to write poems. One is the chilli and love poem, my second one is Life & candle poem, and lastly a compulsory poem linking the words Man & mortar/pestle.

So here goes my first one, the one I did in class.

Love is like eating chilli.
It hurts when its too spicy,
amazing when its just right.
All the more, chilli just leave you wanting for more
of the excitement it brings.


Life is like an illuminating candle,
The fire in a candle flickers beautifully,
Just like how fickle our lives are, how short beutiful moments are.
Life is like an illuminating candle.
The single light from the candle fights against the darkness,
Although dim, still light makes it through the darkness.
Just like how in life we struggle constantly against 'darkness'
We fight slowly but surely.
Until the candle is blown out,
Until we give up.


Men, brash and loud,
Just like the hammering brashness of the mortar and pestle.
Men, strong and solid,
Just like the tough and solid mortar and pestle.
Tough Men, impulsive and stupid,
Just like a mortar and pestle who knows only one function: to hammer things to pulp,
without knowing restraint.

Well thats all from me. I am no Shakespeare, so please forgive me for my lousy attempt at writing poems.=)

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